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About Neuron
How does Neuron ensure safety?

How does Neuron ensure safety?

Neuron is a decentralized wallet and completely open source, we do not have access to any of your data, you have absolute privacy and control over your assets, but this also means that you need to take sole responsibility for the protection of asset security. However, this also means that you are solely responsible for protecting your assets. Therefore, you need to have sufficient security knowledge and awareness, and take measures to prevent loss, theft and fraud is necessary to ensure the safety of your assets.

Anti-Loss Strategy

According to incomplete statistics, the most common reason for the loss of digital assets is not theft, but the failure of users to keep their wallet mnemonics safe. As a decentralized wallet, Neuron does not keep the user's auxiliaries, so once they are lost, they cannot be recovered. Here are some tips to help you properly back up and protect your wallet's tokens:

  1. Write down the mnemonic: Copy the mnemonic for your wallet clearly and accurately on a piece of paper. Make sure you use reliable paper and keep it in a safe place where it cannot be easily damaged or lost, such as a safe or fireproof safe.
  2. Backup multiple copies: It is recommended to create multiple backup copies and store them in different physical locations. This way, even if something happens in one location, it is still possible to retrieve the auxiliary words from the other locations.
  3. Use of mnemonic boxes: A mnemonic box is a physical device used for the secure storage of mnemonics. It is usually made of metal or other durable material and is effective in preventing damage or destruction of the mnemonic. A mnemonic is placed in a mnemonic box and stored in a safe place.
  4. Offline backup: If you choose to back up your mnemonic (e.g., an electronic file or photo) using a digital form, store it in an offline device, such as a USB drive or a hardware wallet. Make sure the offline device is disconnected from the Internet to prevent hacking.
  5. Secure your backups: Whichever backup method you choose, make sure you properly secure your backups. Do not store your mnemonics or backups in a place that is vulnerable, easily lost, or easily accessed by others, such as cloud storage, email, or social media.
  6. Regularly check your backups: Check your backups regularly to ensure the legibility and integrity of your mnemonics. If you find any problems, create a new backup immediately.
  7. Keep it private: do not share the mnemonic or private key with others. The passphrase is the key to accessing the assets, and anyone who knows the passphrase can access and control the assets in the wallet.

Also, be sure to cross-check your backups immediately to ensure that the mnemonics are correct.

Anti-Theft Strategies

On the blockchain, the mnemonic represents asset ownership. Once others have access to your mnemonic, they can import it on other devices and set different passwords to steal your assets. Therefore, the most important thing you can do to prevent theft is to make sure you are downloading a genuine copy of Neuron and protect your wallet backup to avoid leakage of your mnemonic and private key. Here are some tips to help you avoid asset theft:

  1. Don't download Neuron from unofficial sources, always recognize official sources when downloading :
  2. Don't save or share mnemonics and private keys on networked devices and services.
  3. Don't share the mnemonic or private key with others.
  4. Don't import mnemonics or private keys into unknown third-party websites.

Anti-Fraud Strategies

Scammers have been known to use a wide range of fraudulent tactics, and less vigilant users often have their accounts accessed by scammers without realizing it, leading to theft of assets.Therefore, to prevent scams, the most important thing is to understand the common scams about digital assets and raise your alertness. Here are some of the common scams to look out for and be vigilant about:

  1. MLM funds plate fraud: high yield as bait, and false propaganda and Neuron reached a cooperation to lure users to make payments to the fraudulent platform.
  2. Arbitrage Fraud: On the grounds that there is arbitrage space for exchange platform coins, users are lured to make payments to the so-called "smart contract address", cheating users of their assets.
  3. SMS Fraud: Users are lured to download fake installation packages on the grounds of shutdown, withdrawal, change of service, etc. so as to steal assets.
  4. Telecommunications fraud posing as exchange personnel: requesting funds verification on the grounds that the account is suspected of money laundering, instructing the user to download and install a wallet through a shared screen, and secretly recording the user's wallet mnemonic, then stealing the assets.
  5. Fake installer scam: Users are lured into downloading fake installers from phishing sites for reasons such as receiving candy or reduced miner fees, thereby stealing assets.
  6. Impersonation of Neuron Officials Scam: Assets are stolen by asking users for mnemonics and private keys under the guise of helping them solve problems.

Be vigilant, don't be greedy check more with the official, don't download the installer from the third party platform and check the installer properly, you can stay away from being cheated.